28 December 2006

Oops again, keep doing that!! That was Conny and i at the Chocolate museum, we felt very at home cos we love our choccy!! I just had some for lunch...mmmm yummy!!:-)


Anonymous said...

I am with you Cara! it sounds absolutely delicious - Dad x

Anonymous said...

Hey hun, I don't know if thiw will work cos I'm not the best with computers! I'm loving all the pics of you guys and the comments it's so cool! I'm so happy for you, you look like you're having a ball over there! I can't believe you're on the other side of the world it's so great! I've got no excitiong news I'm in queensland having fun but that's it! Well anyway I hope you have a fabulous new years. I'm sure you will tho! Take care and stay safe! Love Jayde x x x x

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

The chocolate museum - yum yum!! I hope you ate some for me, especially since I am on a strict diet to get rid of this horrible baby flab Kaiden so delighfully left me!
Sounds like you are having an absolute blast, hope youhad a great new years! I didn't even see it in, yawn yawn!
Anyway, have a great time! Love looking at your picci's so keep on posting!
Luv Craig Robyn Nosey and Kaiden xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

OHMIGOD!! You look like you are having so much fun, All the photo's are fantastic. I have only just had a chance to hop on the computer and check out what you've been up to (i've been on holidays)... I hope you had a great New Years, I was very boring and just hung out in Lton... I dont really have any exciting goss to tell... Alex was back in Tas but didnt catch up with him :( i had real mixed feelings about the whole thing but probably for the best, Cassidy & Alex went to my house for a party tho (that my house mate held when i was away for a couple of days, which was weird?!)... Anyway keep the pics coming , I'll be checking for updates XXOO Alana